Schedule a call
Our work together starts with a quick 15 minute phone call to discuss your needs. You can schedule this call online via Calendly, and I will call you on the date and time you select.
If I am unable to call you at the specified date and time for any reason, I will email or text you to reschedule.
- The content of this call is confidential, except where law requires me to contact authorities
- If you are currently experiencing a mental health crisis, please contact Emergency Services right away
Getting started is easy

1. Schedule a 15-minute phone call
During this call we’ll talk about some of the issues you’d like to work on.

2. Complete a quick online intake
The intake form helps me gather basic information about you so we cover more ground in our first sessions.

3. Start getting the support you need
During regular sessions we’ll explore ways to help you be present in the moment so you can make meaningful changes.